Friday, June 12, 2015

Final Project

Final Project for Jiyeong: DESMA9 Final Project

Event 3

On May 15, I've visited LACMA for my event assignment. This is very well known place that contains a lot of art+science works of art. I've found a lot of pieces and structures that related to our theme of class topic we discussed in the quarter.

There were diverse types of artworks that I could enjoy myself. Among the ones that I've browsed through, I've found a few works that highly related to the theme of what I've learned in the class.

This is Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Can, 1964. This is a part of pop art which was brought from the industrialization that we've learned in Lecture of Robotic + art. Thanks to the mass production triggered by industrial revolution in 19th century, artists also influenced by the trend. It doesn't seem like an art at all, which is just tomato soup can that we can easily find in the market. This could also be regarded as a form of art that Andy Warhol proved it. In a flash of inspiration he bought cans from the store and began to trace projections onto canvas, tightly painting within the outlines to resemble the appearance of the original offset lithograph labels. Instead of the dripping paint in his previous ads and comics, here Warhol sought the precision of mechanical reproduction. Creating an art through mass produced product, he aroused the sympathy of many fans of art.

The individual paintings were produced by a printmaking method—the semi-mechanized screen printing process, using a non-painterly style. Stenciling, from which screen prints evolved, has been with us since we supped in caves, but, like soup, it underwent major changes during the industrial revolution when its ease of replication attracted commercial interest.

I've found another work of his art, Two Marilyns, 1962. This was also created in the same regarded explained above. Silkscreen ink and pencil on linen were used. He is known for his exaltation of both celebrity and the ordinary. Among the earliest in a series of paintings made shortly after Monroe's tragic death, this work shows the sex symbol's carefully constructed public persona. Warhol's use of the commercial silkscreen technique suggests his love of the banal, while his use of pencil in this work harks back to his early calligraphic skills. 

From the two pieces of art, we can derive the idea of his pursuit of intimacy and popular appeal to the public. His influences by industrialization and other social and scientific changes definitely impacted on his paintings that gives a philosophy of modern art. 

I definitely recommend to visit LACMA at least once to see the paintings and sculptures and other pieces of creations from the ones back in the days and the most futurist works of art. You can definitely broaden your perspectives and ideas when it comes to art + science. There are so many collaboration of two. For example, the photo above is a "Metropolis II." It is an intense kinetic sculpture modeled after a fast paced, frenetic modern city. Steel beams form an eclectic grid interwoven with an elaborate system of 19 roadways, including one six land freeway. Miniature cars speed through the city at 240 scale miles per hour; every hour, the equivalent of approximately 100,000 cars circulate through the dense network of buildings. The creator of this masterpiece Chris Burden claimed that "The noise, the continuous flow of the trains, and the speeding toy cars produce in the viewer the stress of living in a dynamic, active and bustling 21st century city." 

Event 2

On May 21, I've visited CNSI center for the exhibition. This is "Infinity structures; paradoxical spaces," by Robert Gero. Robert Gero’s work – both built and written - is grounded in the practical and theoretical intersection of art practice, philosophy and social-architectural systems.
He believes that the border of the aesthetic is a contested space --  a multiply defended zone of discourses occupied by theorists working within the disciplines of philosophy and art history. Aside the theories and philosophies, to view a work as art is to enjoy shifting levels of interplay; seeing how the artist has merged imagery, sounds, cultural icons, found objects, sometimes even another artist's work, into new representations that express meaningful ideas. In this regard, he presents somewhat unique piece of work for this exhibition. He combined sound and somewhat eccentric object in the middle of the art.
He used dreamlike sound throughout the exhibition 

His work of art was very great. He utilized the whole exhibition place to display his art. The structure and geometric lines and shapes seemed somewhat very scientific, but it also seemed like a spatial art(Raumkunst) under modernism that used space and structures as a source of their art. 

It crosses the boundaries of traditional design disciplines such as architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and landscape design as well as public art within the Public Realm.
It focuses upon the flow of space between interior and exterior environments both in the private and public realm. The emphasis of the discipline is upon working with people and space, particularly looking at the notion of place. 
As you can see from the photo, it is quite weird to see a pillow in the art exhibition. Then, I've asked him the reason. He answered that there's no meaning in that he puts pillow on the structure. He could have put other things he found in the storage. But, he also said that the pillow means that the comfort he pursues in daily lives. It could have produced a certain ambience of comfort and coziness of the space. Even though that wasn't the special meaning he puts on the object, he still pursues a comfort. The dissonance between the object and the structures emphasizes the uniqueness of this art. 

I recommend this exhibition to visit because this collaboration of architectural science and art increases the importance of spatial art here. As we've discussed in the lecture of early in the quarter, the architecture has been a great expression of art and science. In that sense, his infinity, paradoxical spaces shows how great architectural/spatial art and additionally a paradox of existence of pillow. if you are interested in the architecture and spatial art (spatialism), you would learn a lot. 

Gero, Robert. "The Border of the Aesthetic." Art History versus Aesthetics. Ed. James Elkins. New York: Routledge, 2006. N. pag. Print.

Event 1

On May 14th, I visited the student exhibition at CNSI center. There were a few interesting works that motivated me a lot. The works are the expression of the combination of Art and Science that we've discussed throughout the quarter. Among the pieces, there were an brain made of postage attracted me.

This creation by Christina Kong is called, "The Brain-Book." Post-its and a pen is used for this work. Since her childhood, she has loved animations -- Disney movies, Pixar, and Studio Ghibli. What she has found unbelievable amazing is the brain's ability to take all of the still images that make up an animation and transform them into motion. She wanted to combine this function of the brain with another childhood favorite of mine-- flip books. Just as the brain is able to create the illusion of movement, she wished to created a flip book of the brain that would both illustrate this organ's different functions and highlight the viewer's visual perception. Each color represents a different part of the brain and its corresponding function. 

Her perception is highly related to what we've been discussed in the lecture. In lecture 7, professor Vesna, tells the brain's ability and many utilization in art. She introduced Franz Joseph Gall who is an inventor of Phrenology. He argued that mental's functions are localized in specific region of the brain that human behavior is dependent upon those functions. Her art is created in that sense. The brain described above is divided into several sections, which might be determined by its function in the brain. Each color of the flip book resembles different parts of the brain which manage different types of functions throughout the whole body and each flip book contains an animation show the example of the function. If we go flip the book, as the yellow part you see from the photo, each different page of the post-it contains various drawing meaning different things. It is the one related to art. And the pink postages you see contains the scientific capacity of brain. Different contents means separated neural functions and capacity of the brain. She combined all the meanings and functions into a piece of work so that people could see and understand its function as soon as they see. Her artistic expression of scientific knowledge was great. 


Brain Anatomy and FunctionsYoutube. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 June 2015. <>.